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New York City

Breathe in Time with one another


“Breathe in time with one another” explores a

sense of Being, or existing, by examining time both as an absolute value and as a relative value as our relative perceptions of it differ from one another. This multimedia sundial has a pointer that is gently swaying and spinning by the wind and the dial that are fixed and aligned for accuracy. The accuracy of the dial is ironically countered by the moving pointer that changes according to the situation. This inaccuracy by various conditions rather celebrates the diversity than is defined as “Wrong” since it still follows the sun. The title, Breathe in time with one another, of this sundial sculpture that cannot pinpoint the accurate time focuses more on breathing together than timing together. As long as the sense of time comes from the sun, we are already naturally timing together. 

The design concept derived from a fertilized egg cell and a bean sprout that are one of the major motifs that Haksul Lee has used in many of his previous works.

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